Emotional Development & Pre- Schooling

Your three-year-old’s vivid fantasy life will help her explore and are available to terms with a good range of emotions, from love and dependency to anger, protest, and fear. She’ll not only combat various identities herself, but also she’ll often assign living qualities and emotions to inanimate objects, like a tree, a clock, a truck, or the moon.

Your assurance is what they calculate:
While it’s important to reassure your child when she’s frightened or upset by an imaginary incident, take care to not belittle or ridicule her. This stage in emotional development is normal and necessary and will not be discouraged.

Independence, one step at a time:
One of the simplest ways to nurture her independence is to take care of fairly firm control over all parts of her life, while at an equivalent time giving her some freedom. Let her know that you’re still responsible and that you don’t expect her to form the large decisions. When her friend is daring her to climb a tree, and she’s afraid, it’ll be comforting to possess you to say no in order that she doesn’t need to admit her fears. Look out for the best pre-school in Indore.

Expect your preschooler to introduce you to at least one of her imaginary friends. Some children have one make-believe companion for as long as six months; some change to pretend playmates a day, while still others never have one in the least or prefer imaginary animals instead. Don’t worry that these friends may signal loneliness or emotional upset.