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Morning Process of Children for a Happy Day

It is often said that those who plan for tomorrow own it. Developing and implementing a morning routine for children is an important step toward laying the groundwork for your child’s bright and hopeful future. A toddler morning routine is an effective way to instill discipline, avoid procrastination, and encourage children to be naturally active.

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  • Make a plan the night before: The approach necessitates that you ensure that the necessary items are available in the right place and at the right time. Let us recall a few pre-arrangements that can be made, such as checking to see if the school homework is completed and organized, organizing the school backpack in advance, and neatly ironing the school uniform. You can think of anything else that needs to be prepared. In addition, to reduce fussy behavior in your toddlers, make sure they get a good night’s sleep. These are the approaches you should be prepared for before your child wakes up.
  • Have a pleasant breakfast: Always remember to include 15 minutes for breakfast in your toddler’s morning routine chart. Breakfast provides numerous benefits that aid in your child’s growth and energy levels throughout the day. Do not take any chances by failing to provide your child with essential nutrients. It is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle regimen.
  • To Create a Morning Routine Chart: Use images instead of words on the morning routine chart for younger children. Include all tasks that can be completed independently or with minimal assistance, such as brushing the teeth, combing the hair, washing the face, dressing up, eating breakfast, putting on shoes, and grabbing the backpack/lunchbox.
  • Make Weekends Special:   It’s a good idea to stick to the programme as much as possible on weekends. Please make sure your child gets enough sleep, but you can take advantage of the slower pace by making a special breakfast or having reading time before going through the daily ritual of brushing their teeth and hair. You could even start a new weekend ritual, such as making pancakes or watching cartoons with your family.


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Continue the morning routine for overall developmental stages as children become accustomed to it. As you continue, talk about each of the completed routine tasks. The Morning routine pattern will help you identify any errors or the need to re-order some of the practices. Best primary school in Indore will doing all morning process and routine follow to their students.

Instead of doing everything for them, encourage children to take ownership of these duties during the morning routine. While putting their pants on for them may be faster in the short term, you will be contributing to a power struggle that will cost you time and stress in the long run.

If they are late, remain calm and composed and avoid yelling at them. It is your responsibility to teach your child the consequences of failing to perform morning rituals.

Make them self-sufficient so they don’t need you for everything.

A structured plan leaves no room for delays in any situation. It is always better to plan ahead of time than to panic at the last minute.

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